About us

Dr Andrew Gibson PhD

An anti vaxxer working at my son’s nursery, gave me covid November 2021, and he gave it to me. Previously I have been susceptible to post viral fatigue, but otherwise healthy. I could run 10miles routinely, and did a half iron man in September 2021. Since covid my running days are over and I often struggle to leave the house.

My main long covid symptoms are fatigue, post exertion malaise. Moderate symptoms of Heart palpitations, shortness of breath, migraines, muscle aches, head aches, and some other things that I don’t want to make public. Along with whole host of minor symptoms. Comparatively I have been lucky, as I have a supportive family, and already worked from home.

I started science based long covid, because I was disappointed with the amount of pseudoscience that I found in long covid support groups, particularly acupuncture, anti vaccine disinformation and ivermectin. Since many of us are desperate for something to help, many of us are driven to try anything. I realised this approach would do more harm than good, and wanted to push back.

Following the science and avoiding treatments that have no foundation in reality, will do less harm and more good, hence the tag line. So this project will focus on dispelling myths around Supplements Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (aka SCAMs) when related to long covid. While also reporting on the science that will help us get better. I am heavily influenced and inspired by science based medicine, although I am in no way endorsed by them.

My back ground is physics, chemistry and mathematics, and I have been a follower and advocate of scientific scepticism for over a decade. My day job is The Online Physics Tutor. So a science based approach to long covid is natural to me.

If you would like to get in touch, and especially if you would like to contribute to this project in any way, then please contact me, or just say hi and have chat.


An anti vaxxer working at my son’s nursery, gave me covid November 2021, and he gave it to me. Previously I have been susceptible to post viral fatigue, but otherwise healthy. I could run 10miles routinely, and did a half iron man in September 2021. Since covid my running days are over and I often struggle to leave the house.

My main long covid symptoms are fatigue, post exertion malaise. Moderate symptoms of Heart palpitations, shortness of breath, migraines, muscle aches, head aches, and some other things that I don’t want to make public. Along with whole host of minor symptoms. Comparatively I have been lucky, as I have a supportive family, and already worked from home.

I started science based long covid, because I was disappointed with the amount of pseudoscience that I found in long covid support groups, particularly acupuncture, anti vaccine disinformation and ivermectin. Since many of us are desperate for something to help, many of us are driven to try anything. I realised this approach would do more harm than good, and wanted to push back.

Following the science and avoiding treatments that have no foundation in reality, will do less harm and more good, hence the tag line. So this project will focus on dispelling myths around Supplements Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (aka SCAMs) when related to long covid. While also reporting on the science that will help us get better. I am heavily influenced and inspired by science based medicine, although I am in no way endorsed by them.

My back ground is physics, chemistry and mathematics, and I have been a follower and advocate of scientific scepticism for over a decade. My day job is The Online Physics Tutor. So a science based approach to long covid is natural to me.

If you would like to get in touch, and especially if you would like to contribute to this project in any way, then please contact me, or just say hi and have chat.